

We are pleased to welcome you to North Carolina and the Greater Raleigh area. As a member of the Newcomers Club of Raleigh, you will have the opportunity to make new friends, explore your community, and enjoy many social activities. Membership is open to anyone who has moved to the Greater Raleigh area within the past five years as well as to current residents who have experienced a recent life-changing event.


About Membership

Our annual membership year runs from June 1 to May 31. New members joining after March 31 of the current membership year automatically become paid members for the following membership year. 

Membership includes participation in interest groups and meetings, special events, as well as access to our website, the annual member directory, and monthly newsletters. We even have special activities for our newest members (“Newbies”) throughout their first 18 months of membership. 

Annual dues are $40.00 per household. A household consists of up to 2 members sharing the same address. Members will find the monthly newsletters on this website. Printed newsletters are available for an additional charge of $20 annually. 


Join Us

To join online, please complete the New Member Application.   If you would like to join in person, please attend one of our monthly First Friday Coffees. To request more information, please contact us.  We look forward to seeing you soon!